New Presence server version 1.5

Sat, Jan 7, 2017

The newest version of the Happy Bubbles Presence server, version 1.5, has been released. You can find it at

The biggest improvement by far is better stability. The server has been re-architected based on your feedback that many of you have experienced crashes at times with the previous versions. I’ve done extensive testing on the new one with many beacons and stability has greatly improved. I’m pretty confident in saying that crashes should be pretty much eliminated at this point.

A couple other improvements are in how the beacons are displayed to better order them so they don’t jump around on the display as much.

Please give it a shot, especially if you had experienced any crashes in previous versions, and please keep the feedback and any criticisms coming. It helps improve the project. Thank you to all my customers for their support.

Clear skies, no clouds
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